Attention:  Coaches, Authors, Consultants, Speakers, And Service-Based Business Owners…

“How Would You Like An Insider Access To Our Closed-Door Media Mastery Intensive… Where You Can 'Copy & Paste' Our Proven PR Strategies To Attract More Visibility To Your Business, Become A Celebrity In Your Niche, And Have A Long Waitlist of Dream Clients…

…Even in The Most Competitive Industries?”

Give me 2-4 hours daily for 3 short days and I’ll show you the exact action steps to dominate your industry and fill your pipeline with loads of dream clients… without hiring a PR agency or spending more money on advertisements.

Helped Me Gain National Notoriety As A National Expert on Asset Protection

"By following Jill's step-by-step action plan, I have increased my media exposure and speaking engagements, and have gained notoriety as a national expert on asset protection and tax reduction strategies."

- Cheri S. Hill

President, CEO, Sage International, INC

Take Jill’s training and don’t look back

"Jill delivers! ...templates, systems, step by step - here's what to do instruction, no kidding solutions that rock, and NO FLUFF. Take Jill's training and don't look back."

- PJ Van Hulle

Real Prosperity Inc.

Jill Lublin is the Gold Standard

"Jill Lublin is the gold standard when it comes to understanding the true nature of publicity and how to get the most of it while getting the most from it."

- Jay Conrad Levinson

Author of best-selling Guerrilla Marketing series

I definitely love Jill, because she is unique, having a seminar with her is opening for you new opportunities and new business ideas. She is extremely helpful and right on the money on how to achieve your goals on making money by telling you how to do your best publicity! Love her!

– Nelly N

A Special Invitation From Jill Lublin:

Have you ever felt like you’re the “best-kept secret” in your industry?

Have you felt like your business will run a lot smoother and grow several times faster if only more people knew your business exists?

Have you ever felt like you’re on a hamster wheel…

Helping people solve their problems… getting them great results day-in-day-out…

Without getting enough recognition, leads, and referrals from all of your hard work?

If you answered “YES” to at least one of the above questions…

This is going to be the most important message you’ll read today.

Because with your permission, I’m going to hand you a simple PR system you can deploy right away in your business…

To put your business in the limelight…

Gain a well-deserved recognition for your hard work…

And ascend to the top rank in your industry…

While getting as many leads, referrals, and clients as you’d love to work with…

Without spending a fortune hiring a PR agency…

Or investing several hours each day experimenting with textbook publicity strategies.

This strategy I’m about to show you is responsible for the successes of some of the entrepreneurs, small business owners…

…coaches, best-selling authors, most sought-after public speakers, consultants, and even Fortune 500 companies you’ve most likely heard of.

This strategy is what a lot of these industry giants are using to…

Gain more visibility, credibility, and trust in their marketplace…

Increase their media exposure and build strong influence…

That makes their competitors virtually non-existent.

I’m going to show you why you haven’t been getting good returns from your publicity campaigns…

Plus… I’m going to reveal the big mindset shift you MUST have…

If you want to open up infinite opportunities for media appearances, speaking engagements, and recognitions…

That will lead to more qualified leads, referrals, and clients for years (and even decades) to come.

I know this sounds like a very audacious promise to make…

But pay attention to me because this is what I’ve been helping small, medium, and even Fortune 500 companies with for the last 3 decades.

Hi, My name is Jill Lublin.

Over the last 30 years, I have been the go-to person for executives, sales teams, and marketing departments of several Fortune 500 companies…

When it comes to their influence, marketing, and publicity matters.

I have worked with ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, BBC, CBC, and other national and international media as a highly regarded publicity expert…

My work has been featured in The New York Times, Women’s Day, Fortune Small Business, CBS, BBC, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Inc. magazine among several other big-name media outlets.

I’ve also had the opportunity to share powerful networking and publicity strategies on the stages of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker…

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, James Malinchak, Lisa Nichols, Richard Simmons, and many others.

I’ve spoken on 6 continents and published 4 Best-Selling books in the area of publicity for small, medium, and large businesses.

My books on publicity, influence, and building authority have been translated into various languages across the globe.

And I have personally worked with more than 100,000 business owners from diverse industries to expand their media presence…

Go From The “Best Kept Secret” In My Industry To A Respected Authority Across The Globe…

(And Now, You Can Too!)

I love Jill Lublin because she is a master at sharing her great knowledge about media in a way that is easy to understand for everyone. So helpful. Now I know what to do - and how!

– Annika S

I love Jill Lublin because she meets people where they are in their publicity journey and brings all the experience, talent and optimism she has to help that client break through. I have been so encouraged working with her that it has helped so simply some of the things I was going in circles on.

– Tawni Sofia A

All you need is discipline and commitment to execute the simple systems I’ll be sharing in this intensive training.

You see podcast owners, show hosts, journalists, and media experts are looking for really original and uplifting stories to talk about.

They need people who would pitch their businesses with great conviction that will make great content for their audiences.

Unless you articulate your story and elevate your pitch to make it new, timely, and irresistible…

While making it sound like a win-win for you and the media outlets…

You’ll keep spinning your wheels trying to get media experts to publish anything about your business.

But on the other hand, when you have superior messaging…

Media Experts Become More Than Excited To Work With You…

And Everything Changes In Your Business!

You’ll find it relatively easier to land speaking engagements and spread your name everywhere in your industry…

Your marketing campaigns begin to convert a lot better because people have seen or heard about you from your PR campaigns…

You’ll start getting more qualified leads lining up to do business with you…

You’ll start getting more referrals from new and existing clients...

And your name will get plastered across your entire industry as the most respected authority.

That’s the power of being positioned the right way in the media.
I have helped a lot of businesses with PR strategies to take their businesses national and global over the years…

And I’ve been paid a lot of money for this service.

Now, I want to hand you a simple playbook to get your business more media attention…

And Show You How to Flip That Media Attention Into More Qualified Leads, Clients, And More Predictable Revenue That Will Serve Your Business For Years (Even Decades) To Come…

Even if virtually no one has heard about you right now!

I want to hand you the keys to the vaults that contain what is working right now in the media…

I want to help you craft your brand message, bio, and pitch in a hyper-persuasive way…

That cuts through the noise in your marketplace…

Lets you command more attention in your industry…

And be seen as the Number #1 authority in your industry…

Without spending a lot of time experimenting with different PR strategies…

Or shelling out a huge fortune to hire an expensive PR agency.

I love Jill Lublin Because she has been there and done it.. She shows you step-by-step how it’s done. She’s invested in the success of each of her clients.

– Maria S

I am a physical therapist, who had to pivot to online work during the pandemic in 2020. Marketing myself is not in my DNA and working with Jill Lublin makes it easy and much less daunting!

– Robin E.

You can comfortably implement the strategies I’ll be sharing with you in as little as a few hours per week…

And watch in complete shock as you start gaining more recognition in the media.

I want to show you exactly how to increase your visibility…

Gain more media exposure…

More credibility…

More qualified leads…

More sales…

To become a leader and a force to reckon with across your entire industry.

If you’d love to experience what it feels like to become the expert and most trusted advisor in your industry…

An Insider’s Look At How Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Service Providers, And Small Business Owners…

Can Create More Visibility, Build Insane Reputation And Become Trusted Celebrities In Their Industries

…Without The Overwhelm, Time, And Financial Costs of Hit-and-Miss PR Strategies

These are the same strategies I’ve shared with the publicity, sales, and marketing teams of Fortune 500 companies…

…who have paid me thousands of dollars for a few hours of my time.

So.. if you’re ready to give yourself the recognition and respect you deserve for the transformation you’re making in people’s lives…

If you’re tired of being the “best kept” secret in your industry…

And ready to rise to the top of your industry…

Gain more local, national, and global recognition …

And start getting more qualified leads, clients, and referrals on autopilot…

Carefully read the words on this page…



The Small Business Owner’s “Playbook” For Gaining More Media Attention, Building Strong Authority, And Unlocking A Flood of Highly Qualified Leads, Clients & Profits

The Media Mastery Intensive is conducted over short 2-4 hour sessions for small business owners, coaches, consultants, service providers, and entrepreneurs…

…Who are looking to level up their publicity and start attracting lots of media attention…

That turns into a consistent flow of leads, sales, and revenue for years and even decades to come.

Handing you a complete system to build your reputation as the most trusted advisor in your industry…

With a huge number of people filling up your pipeline, half-sold on working with you because of your reputation.

Mind You, This Is Not 17–Hour Days, Burn-Your-Brains-Out Kind of Intensive.

3-short sessions walking you through PR strategies for your own business.

It doesn’t matter what industry you are in…

Spirituality, fitness, accounting, real estate, carpet cleaning, coaching, consulting, or any other service-based industry…

You’re going to leave this Intensive with a well-defined set of actionable steps to explode your media presence…

Dominate your competitors and become “the expert” in your industry.

You’ll discover how to focus and present your message in a way that “attracts” media attention…

And get a drove of people ready to do business with you.

You’ll be getting exact scripts that I’ve developed over the last 30 years for pitching these outlets.

This training is a done-with-you series of hot seats where we go over your business…

And come up with definitive PR strategies to leave your competitors choking on your publicity dust.

Whether you’re looking to just get featured in the local media outlets…

Or you’re looking to take your business nationwide and have clients from all over the country lining up to work with you…

Or you’re even planning to spread your tentacles and have people reaching out to you from all over the world…

The Media Mastery Intensive will show you how to achieve all of these without shelling out a lot of money…

Or working yourself to the bones.

Jill is a masterful business woman, PR professional and coach. Her programs are jam packed with valuable tips and techniques to get you seen! She is extremely generous with information, connections and gifts to continue to promote your business. Her creativity and knowledge is an asset to any business or author looking to be broadly promoted to the world.

– Sue B.

Jill is THE expert in how to get the publicity you want! She offered personal guidance during the workshop on my content drafts that helped me improve my messages. I found the system she teaches doable and will implement it immediately. I have no doubt that what I learned in this one-day workshop will advance my business goals tremendously! Thank you!

– Peggy O.

I wanted to understand how to promote my business without feeling pushy and inauthentic and she's clearly a PR expert. What I learned in this class is that effective PR is a system.

The thing that most surprised me is how little time promotion takes when you're prepared to do it.

– Jenny T.

When I started, I believed this was going to be very complicated. I thought because it is media, news that it would be difficult. Now I understand what the news in looking for and to start out local. And to utilize everything available to get started. And to continue. Certain months and days. Past accomplishments, past connections. I would recommend this to anyone.

– Les S.

Here’s A Fraction of What You’ll Discover In The


  • Getting Direct Access To Media Decision Makers as you get to pitch to a panel of top media experts (if you can’t walk out with several booked spots on podcasts, in the media - you simply aren’t doing what we show you)
  • How to immediately be seen on ABC, NBC, CBS, USA Today, Fox News, BBC, CBS, and many more Media Outlets (without breaking your back paying huge fees to PR agencies)
  • How to Get On Live TV, Taped TV, Podcasts, Print & Online, and have people reaching out to you continuously during and after these appearances.
  • How to Build the Trust, Authority, Credibility – Opening Up Doors for Speaking, Stages, High Profile Events & More
  • How to create Your own Media BIO that presells podcast owners, TV show hosts, and presenters on working with you – I’ll Give You the exact template I used to book 76 Podcasts in just a few weeks!
  • The biggest mistake business owners make when introducing themselves on podcasts, TV shows, and the internet… that stops a massive chunk of people from reaching out to them.
  • How to tell your brand story in a few seconds and create a strong attraction effect on your media experts and listeners.
  • Perfecting Your Media Pitch – Timely, Relevant & Newsworthy: How to create the perfect pitch that moves media experts, editors, and publishers to write raving reviews about your business.
  • How to get Featured on Local TV and present yourself so that the best clients in your industry seek you out - as early as the next few weeks.
  • How to Connect (Correctly) with the Media, Experts, and Influencers in a way that makes them receptive to your pitches.
  • Exactly how to work with journalists and writers. (I’m going to show you how to influence independent writers and journalists to write strong and client-attracting pieces about your business.)
  • Crafting a Clear Message – How to Stand Out in the Media - so YOU are the ONE prospects are flocking towards and ready to do business with.
  • How to turn interviews into leads, sales, and profits by leveraging the subtle precursors that ethically lead people to identify with your message and raise their hands to do business with you

…without being sales-y, pushy, or overzealous.

(This is where a lot of business owners mess things up greatly. I’m going to show you how to turn interviews into a flowing stream of steady leads, clients, and profits).

Her Message Will Help You Transform Your Business

"Jill Lublin spoke to our chapter about, 'being the news.' Jill is top-notch. She knows how to be precise, make it fun, and make people want to promote their business, I highly recommend Jill and her message will help you to transform our business."

- Meeting Planner Lisa Coffey

eWomen Network, Colorado Springs, CO

Jill is the supreme expert on publicity and she makes learning about it easy and fun. The clarity I came away with and the simplicity of creating publicity announcements and press releases was priceless!

– Carol P

Having a strong charisma and confidence is key to having engulfing presence in the media…

When you join me in the training, I’ll hand you…

The 7 Keys to Having Unstoppable Confidence in the Media…

So you can go out there and claim the recognition your business deserves…

Even if you believe you’re a hardcore introvert currently.

That’s not all… I’ll also hand you…

  • Our step-by-step checklists, fill-in-the-blank tools, emails, and more to get PR - starting in less than 3 days (this set of tools will save you months of creating assets from scratch so you can start getting more attention immediately)

I need to say that this is not one of those woo-woo events.

You’re not just going to sit at your screen all day and watch me spill information that you might not end up using…

And Get Tons Of Leads, Clients, And New People Excited To Work With You!

I’m going to eliminate all the confusion you have regarding your PR strategies right now…

So you can almost immediately start attracting editors, media experts, TV shows, podcast owners, and other experts…

…who are excited to work with you.

Imagine how relaxed you’ll feel knowing you have a PR system working morning and night for your business success…

You’ll almost immediately start to see an instant boost in the number of leads you get from your marketing campaigns…

You’ll start attracting the cream of the crop clients in your industry…

You’ll have your calendar lined up to the last column with tons of quality leads from referrals and your media appearances

You no longer have to lose sleep feeling like the best-kept secret in our industry…

You get off the unending hamster wheel of starting and stopping your PR activities…

Because you’ll now be getting a huge ROI from your little investment in PR.

But that’s not all this Intensive is all about.

Unlock A Brand New Stream of Leads, Sales, And Profits You Never Had In Your Business

Jill on stage with Lisa Nichols

Think about this…

When you have a strong and almost-automated system putting your name in the media around the clock…

Your stress and worries about going down as the best-kept secret in your industry will melt away…

Your business will start running smoother…

Because you have people reaching out to you from TV shows, podcasts, and websites you have featured on.

Your pitch on social media, podcasts, TV shows and newspapers will excite quality prospects to work with you…

You’ll have more time, energy, and money to bring on A-players into your business to take the daily grind off your plate.

And when you finally have a team of A-players on board…

You could decide to take months off the business to recharge… without worrying if the ship will sink before your arrival.

If you’re starting to see how this interactive intensive can take your recognition, fame, and profits to the next level…

You should not hesitate a bit to grab your ticket before the timer on this page runs out.

This Intensive is going to empower you with all the tools, templates, and systems you need…

…to scoop up your fair share of recognition, authority, and dream clients.

Hiring a PR agency to do this for you will cost you several thousand dollars.

Right Now, You Can Attend The Media Mastery Intensive… For Less Than The Cost Of A Decent Dinner

It Will Shift Your Perspective on What PR Really Is

"I've been to every workshop you could possibly imagine. Jill's has been invaluable. ... It will shift your perspective on what PR really is."

- Stephanie Beeby

Founder of In Flow CEO Consulting

One Article in a Local Paper Resulted in Three Speaking Engagements

“Jill's training has been instrumental in my results with the media in Houston. One article in a local paper resulted in three speaking engagements! Now I'm using that one article to leverage broader media attention. Most recently I was featured in a prime time news slot on a major Fox station. Thank you for encouraging me to contact media with my story!”

- Elisa Hays

Leadership Trainer

Start Your Training Now:

I LOVE JILL LUBLIN because she has such clear, practical processes in how she teaches publicity! She makes it appear so much easier than what we might think. Some really great ideas. I loved the energy she created during the event! Thank you Jill for your awesomeness!

– Lois W.

Her events are well thought out, lively and jam packed with practical advise honed from many years in the media and messaging arena. Simple templates and practice time in small groups was a way to embed the knowledge shared. Look forward to more events! Warmly

– Yvonne E.L. Silver

CEO, Women & Wisdom Media

Jill gives so much value when she shares info in her training. She goes all out and gives of herself to the fullest and expects the same of you. She is passionate about her audience taking full advantage of all the information shared. She practices what she preaches and she is the "Real Deal in the Visibility World." I love the resources shared but I also love the connections made in her group. Her energy is contagious! Everyone should experience time with Jill!

– Rouchelle C.

I Loved the session with Jill Lublin as she guided us on how to be more structured with our message, bio, articles and announcements. She makes learning fun and exciting, love the props. She actually gave us more value than was expected. Attending as a non-profit, it was great to learn these techniques from an Expert, I will implement the learnings. I am Thankful and Grateful to Jill and her amazing Team. Much Love and Light

– Nolan P. (South Africa)

Jill's Crash Course is fabulous!

"I've had a huge take-away... Jill's Crash Course is fabulous! Go study with Jill, she knows what she's talking about."

- Kim Tucker Hodous

The Kitchen Table CEO, Fayetteville, AR

Jill has a wealth of publicity knowledge that she shared with us and I have several great things to implement. Thank you Jill for sharing your wisdom and inspiring us!

– Lindsay S.

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