Jill Lublin’s PR Challenge (Thrive Edition)|Jill Lublin

Live in Just 60 minutes A Day From Aug 16 - 18 9:00 am PST.

Registration Closes In:


Come back soon for our next challenge!

While Ad Costs Are Skyrocketing and Other Businesses Are Struggling To Stay In Business...


...because You Can Now Access The Hidden PR Strategies Inc. 5,000 Companies Use To Get Booked On Radio, TV, And Major Media So You Can Effortlessly Attract Your Perfect Clients In Droves, Bag More Referrals, And Run Circles Around Your Best Competitors.

...Even If You're Brand New And No One Has Heard About You Before. 

DATE: Aug 16-18, Time: 9:00 am PST everyday, Location: Virtual/Online

Her Message Will Help You Transform Your Business

"Jill Lublin spoke to our chapter about, 'being the news.' Jill is top-notch. She knows how to be precise, makes it fun, and makes people want to promote their business, I highly recommend Jill and her message will help you to transform your business."

- Meeting Planner Lisa Coffey

eWomen Network, Colorado Springs, CO

One Article in a Local Paper Resulted in Three Speaking Engagements

"Jill's training has been instrumental in my results with the media in Houston. One article in a local paper resulted in three speaking engagements! Now I'm using that one article to leverage broader media attention. Most recently I was featured in a prime time news slot on a major Fox station. Thank you for encouraging me to contact media with my story!"

Elisa Hays

Leadership Trainer

Have You Noticed Ad Costs Skyrocketing And Business Getting Slower in General?

Well, guess what?

It’s about to get a LOT harder!

More than 600,000 businesses open each year in the US alone according to Small Business Association estimates.

And these businesses are opening up across every niche and industry you can think of including yours.

If you’ve been in business for some time now…

Chances are, you’ve experienced a massive influx of new competitors in your industry who are also going after your ideal customers.

That's not all…

Because when you consider the fact that the internet has opened up the opportunity for international businesses…

You'll realize that your customers now have more options than ever.

And you and a thousand other businesses have to lock horns…

Dump a lot of money into ads…

To determine who gets the customer.

This unending tussle forces ad costs to go only one way… UPWARD!

It drastically drops your conversions…

And ultimately bleeds the leads, clients, and word-of-mouth referrals you get in your business dry.

But what can you do?

Should you reduce your prices?

Should you also try to outspend them and make your profit margins even thinner?

Or leave your industry for a fly-by-night untapped niche market?

Set Your Own Rules And Effortlessly Attract All The Leads, Clients, and Referrals You Need With FREE PR 

It’s time to shift your focus from playing the losing game everyone else plays…

And gain an unfair advantage over your competitors by having qualified prospects pre-motivated, pre-interested, and pre-sold on working with you.

PR is how you win the game when everyone else continues to pump a lot of money into under-performing ads.

Even better?

Because your perfect customers have seen you in the media that they trust and respect…

They place you above your competitors and your ads immediately start to:

  • Perform a lot better...
  • Cost less than they currently do...
  • And bring more qualifies leads who go on to become perfect clients

It's Scale And Growth Season For Your Business!

If you're a coach, an author, a consultant, a public speaker or operate any kind of service-based business…

Here’s the perfect opportunity to join in on this simple new method - smart business owners like you are using - to scale your operations, revenue and profit.

This challenge shows you how to:

  • Get booked on radio, podcasts, TV, and Major Media like NBC and Forbes, so you can become the number #1 authority in your industry.
  • Craft a message that sets you apart from the pack and makes people eager to do business with you.
  • Use the same strategies Inc 5,000 and Fortune 500 companies, best-selling authors, internationally renowned coaches, and consultants use to attract leads and clients whenever you want.
  • Slash your advertising costs by using FREE publicity strategies which make people respect and trust your recommendations before they even work with you.
  • Gain national and international recognition for the amazing service you do and walk over everyone else in your industry.

You don't have to hire a PR agency to do all this for you...

Because everything is in simple and actionable steps you don't need prior publicity experience to implement them.

The Perfect Opportunity To “Reboot” Your Business And Put Your Leads, Clients, And Referrals Into Overdrive


  • Lose sleep over where your next clients would come from.
  • Compete on pricing and thin out your profit margin year over year.
  • Constantly have to deal with underperforming ads, high costs, and unqualified leads.


  • Understand how to attract perfect and super-qualified clients whenever you want with FREE PR..
  • Discover how to become a respected authority in your industry and comfortably charge premium prices without losing customers.
  • Armed to the teeth with a powerful tool to make your business instantly more profitable.

What Others Are Saying

Jill is the supreme expert on publicity and she makes learning about it easy and fun. The clarity I came away with and the simplicity of creating publicity, announcements, and press releases were priceless!

- Carol P

It Will Shift Your Perspective on What PR Really Is

"I've been to every workshop you could possibly imagine. Jill's has been invaluable... It will shift your perspective on what PR really is."

- Stephanie Beeby, 

Founder of In Flow CEO Consulting

I LOVE JILL LUBLIN because she has such clear, practical processes in how she teaches publicity! She makes it appear so much easier than what we might think. Some really great ideas. I loved the energy she created during the event! Thank you Jill for your awesomeness!

– Lois W

Jill gives so much value when she shares info in her training. She goes all out and gives of herself to the fullest and expects the same of you. She is passionate about her audience taking full advantage of all the information shared. She practices what she preaches and she is the "Real Deal in the Visibility World." I love the resources shared but I also love the connections made in her group. Her energy is contagious! Everyone should experience time with Jill!

– Rouchelle C

Her events are well thought out, lively, and jam-packed with practical advice honed from many years in the media and messaging arena. Simple templates and practice time in small groups was a way to embed the knowledge shared. Look forward to more events! 

– Yvonne E.L. Silver

CEO, Women & Wisdom Media

Here's How the Challenge Will Play Out

Each day is an immersive experience for you to discover proven PR strategies to put your client flow into high gear and get a leg up on your competition.

Who Is This For?

Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Consultants, Speakers, Authors, and service-based businesses who want to increase your visibility and credibility in the marketplace.

What We'll Do:

You’ll get a simple actionable idea to implement to give your business the visibility it deserves each day.

When & Where?

The challenge will run from Aug 16 - 18 from 9 AM to 10 AM PST - live over 3 short days.

Inc. 5,000 Companies Pay Thousands Of Dollars A Month To Get These PR Secrets


My name is Jill Lublin.

Over the last 30 years, I have been the go-to person for executives, sales teams, and marketing departments of several Fortune 500 companies…

When it comes to their influence - marketing and publicity matter.

I have worked with ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, BBC, CBC, and other national and international media as a highly regarded publicity expert…

My work has been featured in The New York Times, Women’s Day, Fortune Small Business, CBS, BBC, Entrepreneur, Forbes, and Inc. Magazine among several other big-name media outlets.

I’ve also had the opportunity to share powerful networking and publicity strategies on the stages of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker…

Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, James Malinchak, Lisa Nichols, Richard Simmons, and many others.

I’ve spoken on 6 continents and published 4 Best-Selling books in the area of publicity for small, medium, and large businesses.

My books on publicity, influence, and building authority have been translated into various languages across the globe.

Money Is Not An Excuse, Is It?

What do you have to lose here?

The fee to join this challenge for the entire 3 short days is a measly $1.

That’s not even enough money to get you a cup of Starbucks…

But it can arm you with tools to rise above the fierce and bigger competition in your industry…

And help you crank up your leads, clients, referrals, and ultimately your bottom line…

Without discounting your fees or working with vampire clients.

Clearly, money is not the excuse here.

The only thing you have to lose is all the emotional strain of:

Not getting enough qualified leads…

Thinning out your profit margin year over year because of the competition…

Having to scale down your operations and letting outstanding employees go.

You can participate in the entire, short 3-day challenge from the walls of your office for just $1.

And it only takes 1 hour of your time each day.


Ready To Go From The Best-Kept Secret To Respected Authority Almost Overnight?

Join me on the short 3-Day Publicity Challenge to discover the strategies you can use to gain massive visibility and attract the leads, clients, and referrals you need to take your business to the next level…

Even if you’re a one-man or one-woman team…
No one’s heard of you before…
And you have ZERO experience in PR.


Who is the Publicity Breakthrough Challenge for?

The Publicity Breakthorugh Challenge is for small business owners, hardworking entrepreneurs, coaches, consultants, authors, and speakers who want to enjoy free publicity for their businesses and get their well-deserved recognition…

Without spending thousands of dollars per month hiring a PR agency or doing trials and errors.

If you belong to any of those categories, grab your ticket right away.

Do I need a team to implement the PR strategies I’ll discover in the Challenge?

The PR strategies you’ll discover in the Challenge have been streamlined to work for you even if you’re a one-man or one-woman team.

You’re going to get simple publicity strategies you can use to start attracting media attention and cementing your authority in your industry.

What if I’m too busy to attend?

I definitely wouldn’t advise that you miss any of the live classes.

What will I get out of this challenge?

You’ll walk away from this Challenge after the third day with a set of action steps to attract profitable media attention into your business… including how to flip that attention into leads, referrals and revenue.

Can I ask questions during the Challenge?

ABSOLUTELY! I’d love to hear from you.

This Challenge is an interactive one. You get to ask your questions and get feedback directly from me.

How do I get started?

Simply click the link below to sign up for the Challenge and claim your spot for just $1 right away.

Is the Challenge in person? Where does it take place?

No! You can attend this Challenge (with your team) from the comfort of your home or office.

It’s a virtual Challenge that will be held on Zoom. You don’t have to spend money on traveling or hotel reservations.

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