Jill Lublin’s Publicity Masterclass - Jill Lublin

Visibility Tools to Explode Your Business!

Complimentary Masterclass with Jill C. Lublin – 4x Best-Selling Author, International Speaker, Master Publicity Strategist

If you’re one of those entrepreneurs who have questions about the topic of Publicity then it’s your chance to get them answered! I’ll do an interactive session where I answer all your questions so you can plan out your publicity strategy.

Live and Interactive - get your questions answered!

Upcoming Live Training:

Tuesday March 4, 2025 - 2:00pm Pacific, 3:00pm Mountain, 4:00pm Central, 5:00pm Eastern 

I just finished Jill's Crash Course in Publicity.  It was so much fun, and what she does, Jill gives you easy to implement actual steps that you can just start doing right away.

Monica Mason

Adulting for Life and Ask Monica Mason

I attended Jill Lublin's Publicity Crash Course and I now know why my public relations campaign wasn't giving me the results I needed.  I now have the tools to successfully promote myself and my business.  I highly recommend Jill for all of your public relations needs.

Dr. Janice Hooker Fortman

I loved Jill's Publicity Crash Course, her tips had gotten me featured in Authority.com, Medium, Entrepreneur.com, and Buzzfeed before I even did the course!!  What she teaches works and hte investment of your time and money will be absolutely worth it.  Do not wait to learn from Jill, you will be so happy that you did!


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