Jill Lublin|Find Your Voice

Jill Lublin Publicity

Media Magnet

Jill Lublin Publicity

Media Magnet

Jill Lublin Publicity

Media Magnet


Create buzz.
Go viral.
Get great press.
Make the podcast rounds.
Steal the spotlight.
Hit the air.

All With
The Power
Of Publicity.

When people ask, “What’s the difference between publicity & advertising?”

I tell them you can increase sales, clients and profits with both, but you have to pay for advertising. Publicity is free, you just have to know how to get it. When they hear that, they almost always want to learn more. It’s what inspired me to create action-driven programs and services that give you everything you need to become your own publicity machine, so you can:

    • Get free media exposure for your business, products and services
    • Deliver a clear and concise message the media must say “Yes” to
    • Be prepared for last-minute publicity opportunities
    • Grow your network and profit from the endless referrals
    • Build radical influence to engage new customers
    • Avoid the pitfalls of online marketing

FREE Guide:

Insider Publicity Tips You Can’t Get Anywhere Else!

Get The Media Attention Your Business Deserves!


Publicity Bootcamps
and Crash Courses

Kindness Circles


Publicity Bootcamps
and Crash Courses

Kindness Circles



VIP and Radical Influence programs

Personalized tools, strategies and sessions


VIP and Radical Influence programs

Personalized tools, strategies and sessions



How to Use Publicity to Boost Leads, Visibility and Profits

Turning Contacts into Cash


How to Use Publicity to Boost Leads, Visibility and Profits

Turning Contacts into Cash

Jill Lublin, Founder

Trainer | Consultant | International Speaker
4x Best Selling Author |
Jill Lublin Publicity

Jill empowers and inspires people throughout the world with her best-selling books, national and international speaking tours, publicity courses and consulting engagements. She has shared her powerful networking and publicity strategies on the stages of Tony Robbins, T. Harv Eker, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Lisa Nichols, Richard Simmons and many others.



Get your copy of Jill’s
top-rated book now!



Hundreds of Sure-Fire Tactics 
to Get Maximum Sales for Minimum Dollars

Get your copy of Jill’s
top-rated book now!


Hundreds of Sure-Fire Tactics 
to Get Maximum Sales for Minimum Dollars


{Jill Lublin is the greatest! Jill is one of the most generous, resourceful women that I know. My company has ‘the word out’ because of her brilliant strategies. Thank you Jill for your Magic!
Loral L. Langemeier, M.A., CPPC
Founder/CEO Live Out Loud & WealthDiva.com
{I love Jill Lublin because she is a master. She makes writing a message that connects to an audience so easy. Before taking the Publicity Crash Course my messaging was unclear and wordy. The formulas she gave helped me create a concise message and a brief bio that I'm proud to use.
Denise S
{I loved Jill's class!! Her energy and warmth along with being clear and focused on delivering a wealth of information was fabulous!! I walked away with a clear plan and a reminder to say yes to everything and ask for referrals. Thank you!!!
Jennifer B
{I loved Jill Lublin's Publicity Crash Course because it provided so many terrific tips and tools to make the publicity happen. She has been in the trenches and is fabulous at passing along valuable information for all of us to be well-prepared for creating the publicity that will get noticed. Jill provides such value in the workbook and in the resources she provides. A phenomenal course for anyone creating publicity for their business!
Peg D
{Hi, I am Gillian Larson, I am the founder, President and Event Producer for Reality Rally, a non-profit organization that raises money to support people dealing with cancer through Michele's Place. I have just recently taken Jill Lublin's Crash Course and it was incredable. Gillian Larson
Gillian Larson
President and Event Producer for Reality Rally
{Jill did a great job of taking us through a very practical AND inspirational process of preparing for a greater public presence. Thank you Jill for reconnecting me with my voice and restoring my faith in what is possible!
Kim Kristenson-Lee
Labyrinth Leadership Group Founder; Leadership Coach; Program Director- International Coaching Federation (ICF) Sacramento Chapter; Art of Convening© Certified Convening Leader
{I just completed Jill's one day training course. Wow, what a day! It was one of the best programs I've ever done. Her knowledge as a PR/media expert is unsurpassed. Thank you Jill for an amazing day. Robert Robertson
Robert Robertson
Speaker, Trainer Founder Unboxed Digital
{Hello, I am Catherine M Laub, Mental Health Advocate, Podcast Host, and Author. I met Jill Lublin a few weeks ago and felt an automatic connection with her. I immediately signed up for her Publicity Crash Course. During the training, I learned a lot about promoting myself including always be ready to say yes. Jill made it so easy to plan ahead with her many great tidbits and resources. I thought using all that I am in my promotions was too much information for my audience, but Jill suppressed that thought. I am following up with Jill’s Get Your Darn Book and Publicity Done Group Program. Thank you, Jill, for opening my eyes to all the possibilities.
Catherine M Laub
 Speaker, Advocate for Mental Health ,Podcast Host, Award-Winning Author and Spiritual Guide
{I've been to every workshop you could possibly imagine. Jill's course has been invaluable. ... It will shift your perspective on what PR really is.
Stephanie Beeby
Founder of In Flow CEO Consulting
{I love Jill Lublin because of her generous, caring spirit. She delivers over and above in all that she offers. Her compassion to see others succeed shines through in the wisdom and information she personally provides, as well as in the experts she brings along side of her to offer wisdom and strategies from their experience, which enhances the topics she presents. Jill has been consistent in her example and encouragement of excellence in helping others to shine light on their gifts, talents and abilities for over the 10 plus years that I have known her, so that the world will be a better place for all. Jill Lublin is the answer to many issues in and around marketing.

Get your FREE

Publicity Action Guide and free Publicity Master Class

Jill’s free Publicity Master Class is a live interactive class via zoom, loaded with actionable publicity tips and the ability for you to get your publicity questions answered by Jill.

We value your privacy and your information will never be provided to a third party. When you request your copy of Jill's Publicity Action Guide and register to attend the Publicity Master Class, we'll also keep you updated on her events/services and special offers. You may remove your name at any time.