Articles/Reviews|Jill Lublin


The Case For Kindness In Marketing

Simple Human Quality of Kindness Creates Pathways to Profit

Building your customer service ‘wow’ factor



The True Meaning Of Resilience And How It Can Impact Your Life With Jill Lublin

Adam Markel, The Conscious Pivot


I am blown away in so many ways with just what has been going on all around. There are so many different things to be observant about and in our life, things have been incredible and going to so quickly. I’m finding myself both in awe of the speed at which time has traveled and at the same time how much more there is in this moment and in every moment yet to be experienced. We had our first-born take vows with an amazing man. Our daughter Chelsea and our son Matthew got married. It was a beautiful ceremony. They shared vows together in such a vulnerable way, a way that I’ve never seen before. I’ve never experienced that before at a wedding and going back many years to when my wife Randi and I took our vows together. Most of what we said were things that were told to us to say and it was like, “Repeat after me,” and we just repeated after.

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Make a Name for Your Coaching Business

by Jill Lublin | The Six Figure Coach Magazine

We live in a world of competition, where everyone is looking to beat the other.

This competition can be evidently seen in the coaching world, where there are numerous companies that offer the same product or service, and to the same target market.

In such a case, you need to differentiate yourself from your competitors to capture the attention of the audience and gain a better market share.

This is where publicity comes in. The more effective the publicity of your coaching business, the more the brand will capture attention of the audience, hence a more prosperous business.

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15 Things the Media Loves / Hates

by Jill Lublin | The Six Figure Coach Magazine

SPECIAL REPORT: The Do’s and Don’ts of Media Follow-Up

The way you handle the media is the key to achieving desired success. They are finicky. Aim for the headlines.

Jill Lublin has the inside scoop on what makes the media smile and what makes them cringe.

15 things the media hates:

1. Not take “no” for an answer
2. Long news releases
3. Lying, hype, and misrepresentations
4. Lack of Preparation
5. Small Talk
6. Overkill
7. No repeated cold calling
8. Freebies
9. Name dropping
10. Lack of focus
11. Confirmation Calls
12. Gimmicks
13. Not following up requests
14. Same ideas
15. Getting upset

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Kindness is the New Currency. Are You Cashing In?

Author Jill Lublin claims that “kindness is the new currency.” Here’s how this simple human quality creates pathways to profit.

By Steve Farber, Founder, The Extreme Leadership Institute

If you are one of those people who really believes no good deed goes unpunished, then you might find very little value in kindness. I, however, believe most people see kindness as a pretty good thing.

But is it essential to the success of your business? Is it more than just a morally good best-practice? Does it have, you know … monetary value?


Kindness, you might recall, is part of the love-at-work formula I shared in a previous column: Kindness plus high standards equal love at work. And Jill Lublin, author of the new book The Profit of Kindness, claims that “kindness is the new currency” of the marketplace.

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Five Simple Tricks: The Art Of Following Up Without Being Annoying

By Gita Mirchandani, Forbes Councils Member

I recently asked a colleague whether she received feedback from an editor about a story idea she had pitched. Her answer was short and direct — she was waiting to hear from the editor. She had been waiting for over a week, so I asked her to consider picking up the phone (a dinosaur idea) or sending a brief email to check in. I explained that it is her responsibility to follow up and see what else the receiver/editor might need. Keeping in mind the number of emails, WhatsApp and text messages everyone receives on an hourly basis, it seemed like common sense to me and the right thing to do.

There is a fine line between polite conversation and being overbearing or intrusive. Here are five easy suggestions for following up graciously while keeping the communication cordial and considerate. I find the whole game a gentle mix of art, science and luck:

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Five secrets for building your customer service ‘wow’ factor

By Ivan Surjanovic, Business in Vancouver

Business has changed profoundly in the last several decades as new digital and cloud technologies are reshaping our everyday business processes. At the same time, however, it looks like the fundamentals of business have not changed a bit; the purpose of business is still to “create and keep a customer,” as Peter Drucker famously put it.

Creating and keeping a customer has become more difficult, though. The customers are now more empowered, have more information and options from the competition, are better connected and are more influential because they can now instantly share their satisfaction or frustration with just a few mouse clicks. Companies need to go the extra mile and provide their customers with the extraordinary “wow” experience if they want to keep and expand their customer base.

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Why Being Kind Will Help Your Bottom Line

By Dave Kerpen, CEO, Likeable Local

When we talk about how to boost the return on investment (ROI), the ways that come to mind are improve sales, raise prices, increase revenues, cut losses, and reduce costs.

Then, when we expound on the how, there comes product or service improvement, employee retention, brand recognition, customer satisfaction, social media and that’s it. We plan, strategize and implement.

But have you ever thought of a component beyond the creative and economic which may help boost your ROI? What if we add kindness? To find out more about the ROI of kindness, I talked to Jill Lublin, author of The Profit of Kindness: How to Influence Others, Establish Trust, and Build Lasting Relationships.

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The Case For Kindness In Marketing

By Henry DeVries, Contributor, Leadership Strategy

Photo by Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images for Zappos x Cotton

Attracting high-paying clients by marketing with a book and a speech.

Bottom line: kindness pays.

“By practicing kindness in your business, you can increase your income, generate new clients, stimulate repeat customers to buy, and much more,” advises international speaker and expert on influence Jill Lublin.

According to Lublin, here are four reasons that kindness in marketing matters:

  1. Kindness generates prospects, connectivity, and customers.
  2. Kindness does not mean weakness.
  3. Kindness can help you stay competitive, anticipate pitfalls, and stay one step ahead.
  4. Success, achieved through kindness, is indeed possible.

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What is Return on Kindness and Why is it Important to Your Small Business?

by Barry Moltz, Small Business Trends, Nextiva

The goal of every small businesses is to generate a return on investment (ROI). This means that if a dollar is put into the company, the owners hope to get $3 or even $100 from it.

What is Return on Kindness?

While this is still a required long term measurement, a new undervalued metric that will help businesses grow daily is to establish a “Return on Kindness” (ROK). While there continues to be much divisiveness and conflict in the world, every company can serve as a refuge for their employees who need to work toward a common goal. Achieving this will always lead to long-term loyalty and increased positive motivation.

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ROK (Return On Kindness): It’s More Than Just Being Nice

Rodger Dean Duncan, Forbes Contributor

During 40 years of consulting and executive coaching, I’ve worked with hundreds of leaders. The ones who were world class, who produced consistently great results, had some characteristics in common—smarts, a sense of vision, a deep understanding of their business, willingness to make tough decisions. These are textbook qualities of great leadership. But one quality demonstrated by the best leaders I’ve known is seldom recognized: kindness.

Yes, kindness. Some people still seem to regard kindness as a nice-to-have-but-unnecessary personality trait. In fact, some prominent business people have been practically deified in their reputations for harsh and even barbarous treatment of others.

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5 Ways Kindness Can Help Your ROI

Why being kind will help your bottom line

Dave Kerpen, Founder and CEO, Apprentice

When we talk about how to boost the return on investment (ROI), the ways that come to mind are improve sales, raise prices, increase revenues, cut losses, and reduce costs.

Then, when we expound on the how, there comes product or service improvement, employee retention, brand recognition, customer satisfaction, social media and that’s it. We plan, strategize and implement.

But have you ever thought of a component beyond the creative and economic which may help boost your ROI? What if we add kindness? To find out more about the ROI of kindness, I talked to Jill Lublin, author of The Profit of Kindness: How to Influence Others, Establish Trust, and Build Lasting Relationships.

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Desert Valley Times

The Spectrum Mesquite, NV

Seven ways to promote your business on your own. Do you need attention? If you’re a small business, non-profit organization or new entrepreneur with a hot idea, chances are you do. All businesses need publicity, but how do those with a modest marketing budget get public exposure — a vital element in success of any business?

Seven ways to promote your business on your own. Do you need attention? If you’re a small business, non-profit organization or new entrepreneur with a hot idea, chances are you do. All businesses need publicity, but how do those with a modest marketing budget get public exposure — a vital element in success of any business? Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need a sky-high marketing budget for an effective publicity campaign. You can be your own publicist. All it takes is some dedication, persistence and a solid plan based on concrete knowledge of your audience. To be successful, your publicity efforts should be on-going, according to Rick Frishman, publicist and co-author with Jill Lublin, of the book, Guerilla Publicity. Thus, you should always look for new opportunities to generate exposure. “To stay ahead of the competition — or just keep up — means that you have to be out there promoting on a regular basis,” Frishman said. What should you do to launch a successful publicity campaign on your own?

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{This was a super helpful seminar. I recommend it to anyone trying to get a leg up to promote their products or services. Jill is fun and uplifting and eager to support everyone in inspiring ways.
mystery person
Halla A
{I have been in three different programs with Jill Lublin. She's personable working with each person individually even on group calls. Jill is very experienced with publishing/speaking and PR, she walks the talk. She is also very kind and giving of her experiences and resources. Thank you, Jill and Team! Sharon Eucce
Sharon Eucce
{Jill is amazing. She takes some mysterious aspects of the media and turns them into a very simple formula that will forever change my business. Thank you Jill for an incredible day! Vicky Wintertton
Vicky Wintertton
Founder Expert Insights Publishing
{The course moved fast. My suggestion for a longer lasting memory of topics presented would be to send out the slides immediately after the presentation. Would be good to have more specific details in slides for downloading so attendees could review the materials again and again.
Mj Pramik
{I love the Publicity Breakthrough course because it helps me to prepared to be media ready and preparation process. I have a better idea how to write my bio, present a problem and solution in an effective way with sound bites and incorporating my gifts if results I provided and so much more. I find this workshop to be valuable. Looking forward to the results I will be producing out of Jill's workshop.
mystery person
Danielle K
{I took Jill Lublin's course on Publicity. In a short 5 hour zoom we accomplished so much. We learned how to create our short message, and how to write our short and long bio. We were able to practice our message and bio in breakout groups with instant feedback. Jill also showed us how to use the calendar to personalize our publicity "Using Everything We've Got. I highly recommend her course.
Dr. Susie Mierzwik
{I'd heard from many people about how great Jill is with publicity. I finally took her training course and I'm so glad that I did. She is able to take her publicity strategies and chunk them down into very simple doable steps and I realized that there were things I was doing around publicity that I was making way too complicated. Art G.
Art Giser
Speaker, Author, Developer of Energetic NLP
{Jill Lublin is such a pro! This is in addition to being fun, loving what she does and sharing it with all of us! I had a "collection" of things in my file and through Jill's class came to the conclusion all of it is OLD! I am thrilled to refurbish and rename, giving my publicity a sorely needed rehab. I know exactly what to say to become known, especially as I launch my new venture "Caregiving for Caregivers"! Thank you, Jill!!
mystery person
Mary Jane Charles
{Before taking Jill's course, I'd had in in my mind that only big companies were worthy of publicity. I left with a renewed sense of the value of my work and the benefits of leveraging publicity for my messaging. Jill also gave me great direct feedback and input that I will use to create more visibility and help me reach my business goals.
Beth Nelseon
Founder Ignited Women and Midlife Mentor
{I was able to use many of the strategies that Jill taught, including her problem/solution strategy that I used to promote my new book. Jill is the milk of human kindness and she gives without expecting anything. Jill I appreciate you very much. Joan Wakefield
Joan Wakefield

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