90-Day Consulting Program - Jill Lublin


Supercharge your Publicity and your Business

Get thorough, individualized training to quickly master the art of publicity and drive your business to new heights of success!

90-Day Consulting Program

Get thorough, individualized training to quickly master the art of publicity and drive your business to new heights of success!

Jill’s 90-Day Consulting Program trains you to be your own best media and publicity expert. Get individualized instruction to plan, run, and maintain your own publicity campaigns successfully from start to finish. Watch your business grow as your finely-honed publicity strategy begins to work for you.

Once you know how to promote your business the way the experts do, you’ll never have to hire a costly PR agency again. You can save tens of thousands of dollars while empowering yourself to oversee PR campaigns that really work. Most of Jill’s clients enjoy a significant uptick in profits even before the end of the program.

Take control of the growth of your business!

In the 90-Day Consulting Program , Jill works with you, providing you with tools and strategies uniquely suited to you, and which you can use long into the future. Under Jill’s guidance, you’ll have what you need to establish a self-generating, effective publicity machine. Together, you’ll establish powerful, realizable strategies, gain the necessary tools, and co-create the provisions of publicity that will launch your business into greater and greater success!

A unique opportunity to get the personal support you need

During this 90-day consulting program, you’ll receive customized private phone sessions with Jill that cover the entire gamut of successful publicity. If questions arise between sessions, you can call or email Jill and get them answered. 

To get started, or to find out more, call 415-883-5455.

Or Click Here to schedule time to speak with Jill.

{Jill presented to ICF Michigan as part of our Professional Development Webinar Series. In a quick 60-minute time frame, she shared a treasure-trove of practical information to help coaches raise their visibility and credibility through the media. It was obvious her content resonated, as reflected in how many attendees actively participated through their questions and […]
PCC President 2021, ICF Michigan Charter Chapter
{I LOVE Jill because her system is concise, easy steps to follow, and innovative. At the end of the course I have tools to improve my publicity. Thank you
mystery person
{It was my first time working with Jill. As a Holistic Healer, I have found it has always been hard for me to be seen and understand the work that I do to help people and animals. Not to mention, I am a quiet, shy person. Her materials were helpful and easy to understand, especially […]
mystery person
{I love the Publicity Breakthrough course because it helps me to prepared to be media ready and preparation process. I have a better idea how to write my bio, present a problem and solution in an effective way with sound bites and incorporating my gifts if results I provided and so much more. I find […]
mystery person
{I loved Jill because the minute I met her a week ago, I knew she was the real deal. I’ve been doing PR for years, and she talked the talk, and walked the walk. I came to your workshop to refresh my skills, and came away with several more great ideas for books for the […]
{Jill Lublin is a fantastic teacher! She gets right down to business and she really knows her stuff. I am amazed at all her experience, her many many connections, and her willingness to help her students succeed.
mystery person
{It’s obvious that Jill is a professional and really knows her stuff! She has frameworks that makes it easy to put your critical messages in place (bio, announcement, promos). That’s the jumping off point and then she helps you soar from there!
mystery person
{Jill, Thank you for the course. Learn several new things I didn’t know and will use!
mystery person
{Thank you Jill and your team for a great Publicity crash course. Learned a lot and got very motivated to go out and get things rocking again. Four stars. Regards.
{Hi, I just finished Jill Lublin’s publicity crash course and what an event it was. Jill shared her vast publicity knowledge with all the attendees and delivered that knowledge with an energy that was motivational. I’ve been a brand marketing and content professional for many, many years, and I still gained new insights and had […]

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Publicity Action Guide and free Publicity Master Class

Jill’s free Publicity Master Class is a live interactive class via zoom, loaded with actionable publicity tips and the ability for you to get your publicity questions answered by Jill.

We value your privacy and your information will never be provided to a third party. When you request your copy of Jill's Publicity Action Guide and register to attend the Publicity Master Class, we'll also keep you updated on her events/services and special offers. You may remove your name at any time.