Press Release: Guerrilla Publicity reaches Amazon Best Seller List - Jill Lublin


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Press Release: Guerrilla Publicity reaches Amazon Best Seller List

Top public relations expert, Jill Lublin, has joined forces with Jay Conrad Levinson, creator of the Guerrilla Marketing series, and public relations expert Rick Frishman to author #8 best selling, Guerrilla Publicity. Part of the Guerrilla Marketing series, Guerrilla Publicity contains hundreds of proven techniques and sure-fire tactics for any business, large or small, to launch an effective and creative publicity campaign.

“The size and type of new media has changed with an increase in cross-ownership of media outlets by large conglomerates, the explosion of the Internet, the shortening of the new cycle, and a consumer public with a shrinking attention span,” explains Jill Lublin. “You have to create the Ôoooh-aaah factor to get attention.”

Guerrilla Publicity empowers you with “combat ready” publicity techniques.
  • How can a business maximize company dollars?
  • Where does a struggling non-profit find financing for promotion?
  • How does a first time author with limited royalty checks advance his book with a PR campaign that is affordable?
Guerrilla Publicity
  • Millions of dollars of industry secrets revealed by the pros
  • Maximum publicity for a minimum investment
  • A trio of professionals, with over 75years combined experience, provides techniques that produce proven results.

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