Press Release: National Kindness Day: Encouraging Businesses to Do Better - Jill Lublin


By Practicing Kindness in Your Business,
You Can Increase Your Income

The Need For Kindness Is Greater Than Ever Before

Networking can get you anything you want


Press Release: National Kindness Day:
Encouraging Businesses to Do Better

4-Time Bestselling Author, Jill Lublin, Shows How Kindness Pays the Greatest Dividends

NOVATO, Calif., Oct. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — November 13 is World Kindness Day and Bestselling Author, Jill Lublin, is on a mission to increase the “kindness capital” within corporate America. Lublin sites the fact that unhappy employees most often leave companies due to the lack of kindness they receive from supervisors or managers who do not acknowledge their talent, recognize and implement their ideas, or who speak to them in ways that lack respect.

Lublin’s newest book could not be timelier! The Profit of Kindness: How to Influence Others, Establish Trust, and Build Lasting Business Relationships makes the case that acting out of kindness is not just an act of goodness, but it pays dividends on the bottom line.

“Kindness is a Currency that actually fuels success. When kindness becomes the primary goal in one’s life, business, community, or family, everything changes — how we look at life, what we get from it, and how others act towards us and relate to us.”

The Profit of Kindness helps managers master the art of building trusting, long-lasting relationships through open, non-adversarial interchanges that result in mutually beneficial outcomes.

Lublin offers these four key points:
1. Kindness does not mean weakness
2. Kindness can help you stay competitive
3. Kindness leads to positive expectations and better outcomes
4. Success, achieved through kindness, makes for a happier company

Said Lublin, “We have the power to transform our lives, our businesses, and our community. What is desperately needed at this time is a global “Attitudinal Adjustment” in which we, as individuals, business owners, and leaders, commit to implementing kindness strategies into our lives, businesses, and everyday affairs in order to facilitate a return to societal balance — as well as to increase our individual success.”

Lublin shares:

The Power of Giving First
How to Communicate in Kind and Productive Ways
Exactly What Integrity Is and How to Maintain It
What Teamwork Looks Like When It’s Fueled by Kindness
How One’s Sphere of Influence Can Expand Greatly When Kindness is Practiced

Jill Lublin is an international speaker on the topics of Success through Kindness, Radical Influence, Publicity, Networking, and Referrals. Her 3 national bestsellers include: Get Noticed…Get Referrals (McGraw Hill); and the co-authored books, Guerrilla Publicity and Networking Magic. Jill is a master publicity strategist who has worked with over 100,000 business owners, authors, and other professionals to help them position their businesses, services and products for more profitability and more visibility. She is the CEO of a strategic consulting firm with more than 20 years of experience and she is well-known by ABC, NBC and every conceivable major media outlet nationally, as well as many internationally. In addition to her private consultations for executives, business owners, and authors, Jill teaches Publicity Crash Courses and Masterminds as both live events and live webinars.

Imagine a world in which you interact with new clients or potential business partners, and you choose to focus more on extending kindness through acts of giving and working with others, rather than on by focusing simply on “winning.” What might happen?

It is Jill Lublin’s experience that when “What can I give?” exceeds the desire for “What can I get?” that one’s success increases exponentially. Says Jill: “A LACK OF KINDNESS DIVIDED A NATION… LET’S GET AMERICA BACK ON TRACK!”

Marybeth Geronimo

To book Jill Lublin on your show so she can share her vital message of The Profit Of Kindness, please send an email with the name of the show, your contact information, a proposed date and time, and the calling details.

Marybeth Geronimo
(415) 246-8795


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