The Jill Lublin Show - Jill Lublin
Vikki Downey | Jill Lublin Show

Vikki Downey | Jill Lublin Show

Bio Vikki Downey is a spirited author, educator, and entrepreneur with three decades of experience as a police wife. Her husband, John, served in various demanding roles within the LAPD for 25 years. By building a successful side business while raising their children,...
Rico Caveglia | Jill Lublin Show

Rico Caveglia | Jill Lublin Show

You will learn the why and how of never becoming old and dying way too young. Bio: Rico Caveglia is an Aging Trainer and creator of The Ageless Living Lifestyle, The Vitality For Life Online Training Program, The Fast Fit 17 Fitness System, and The Fearless Aging...
Ronda Collier | Jill Lublin Show

Ronda Collier | Jill Lublin Show

In the United States over $90B is spent on supplements, weight loss and stress reduction. The problem is that while you have a scale to measure your weight, how do you measure the health effects of the foods you eat and supplements you take?Fortunately, there are apps...
Sarah Lascano | Jill Lublin Show

Sarah Lascano | Jill Lublin Show

Anxiety and stress can sometimes appear in our busy lives. It’s time to go beyond mind body and delve into your energy system to learn simple techniques to quickly shift your energy to feel your best. Sarah Lascano Bio: Sarah Lascano is the founder of RayZen...
Nan Arkwright | Jill Lublin Show

Nan Arkwright | Jill Lublin Show

Nan Arkwright talks about the important work she is doing in supporting children’s mental health through her occupational therapy practice as well as through her many books, videos and resources. She provides many tips on supporting children’s emotional...
Katie Coffman | Jill Lublin Show

Katie Coffman | Jill Lublin Show

Katie’s book, “You Selfish Bitch,” is not just a title, it’s a revolution against societal pressures, encouraging everyone to embrace ‘healthy selfishness. Katie’s transformation from self-sacrifice to self-preservation has not only...