Have Your Referral Sources Pre-Market You - Jill Lublin

When your referral sources recommend you, they should sell you to potential clients and make them eager to work with you. Then, when potential clients contact you, all you have to do is close the deal — if you want to work with them.

Most referral sources will pre-market you if they know you produce outstanding results. Most sources only want to recommend the best because it makes them look good and they prefer to associate with the best.

I have reciprocal arrangements with people all over North America. When I’m scheduled to speak or give my Crash Course in their areas, I send them my flyers announcing the events. They then email my material to their clients and contacts along with a personal note. Often the note will read,  “Exiting news! Jill will be in town on November 15 to present her fabulous Crash Course on Publicity, which you should not miss. If you sign up by, October 15th, here’s a special price for you.”

  • Help your referral sources recommend ideal clients to you by giving them the profile of your ideal client. Explain the type of business you want and the kind of individuals with whom you wish to work. If you have brochures, handouts, or other materials describing your business and the benefits they provide, send them to your referral sources. Then they can prescreen prospects for you.


  • Keep your referral sources advised. When you agree to work with a referred client, notify the source. As you work with the client, periodically keep the referral source up to date. By staying in contact with your referral source, you could exchange information that might prove helpful to each of you.


All business involves risk and the smartest business operators buy the goods and services because of risk, not price. They purchase that which will put them at the least risk. Plus, they will pay a premium because they stand a better chance of working. Risk and trust are inexorably tied.