Guerrilla Publicity - Jill Lublin

Put Yourself On The Map

A subtle, but important change has taken place in publicity. Instead of trying to promote individuals, businesses, and their products and services, the focus has shifted to making connections with smaller communities, building relationships with their members, and...

Think “Headlines”

We live in a world of headlines. Headlines are the labels that tell us what articles are about and help us decide what to read. Like their cousin the sound bite, headlines are informative shortcuts for people who don’t have time to read, or even scan, the whole story....

Grow Your Business With A Website

For guerrillas, the Internet continues to be a bonanza because it has exponentially expanded their media opportunities and their reach, and brings potential consumers to them. A website makes it possible for a guerrilla to address wider target audiences more...

First Impressions

Immediately make a great first impression by introducing yourself with a sound bite. Use the sound bite to create a solid connection with important new contacts quickly. Your sound bite is your verbal business card. It’s the introduction that tells others several...

Fifteen Things the Media Loves

Fifteen Things the Media Loves   “Reporters are like alligators. You don’t have to love them, you don’t even have to like them. But you do have to feed them.” —Anonymous Have you ever thought what you can do to become friends with the media? Use each set of...