Blog|Jill Lublin


Media Magnet, Jill Lublin shares tips, resources and insights for business success, Kindness and marketing impact


How Kindness Generates Customers

One of my favorite stories comes from an article I read by Bill Taylor on, the website of Harvard Business Review, retelling the story of the story of Brandon Cook, from Wilton, New Hampshire, whose hospitalized grandmother admitted she desperately wished for...

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How Kindness Generates Connectivity

Neil Alcala, CEO and owner of DirectPay for the last 20 years, processes credit cards and places ecommerce solutions for coaches, speakers, trainers, infomarketers, and other professionals to get paid for their services. I’ve personally witnessed Neil’s generosity...

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Return on Your Characteristics

The root of the word characteristic is “character,” and isn’t that what we are really talking about here? Kindness and good character go hand-in-hand. When you have good character, you possess the characteristics of kindness that let people know you are caring,...

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What Kindness Isn’t

Maybe right now you’re thinking to yourself: Kindness? Really? The last Harvard Business School class reunion didn’t include a hand-held circle of MBAs singing Kumbaya. Maybe not, but the cream of the corporate crop has always known that a smart business strategy...

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What Is Kindness?

Kindness in all of its simplicity is a loaded word. It’s a catch-term for a host of other traits, behaviors, emotions, and actions, which must be exhibited on a daily basis in order to cash in on kindness. Just as we pay for goods and services using cash, credit, and...

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Empathy in Business Communication

Jill Lublin, Author, Profit of Kindness: How to Influence Others, Establish Trust, and Build Lasting Business Relationships Business procedures and management decisions are based on facts and not emotions. As a consequence, business communication strategies are also...

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How Good Leaders Keep Their Top Talents

High-performing employees contribute extensively in achieving business results. Hence, companies have designed programs from benefits and compensation to training and development to retain them. Despite this, the Harvard Business Review article by Jean Martin and...

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