Uncategorized|Jill Lublin

Positively Peaceful

In my good times and my bad times being positive and say- ing to myself, Okay I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing and do it well, and have a great attitude and stay positive, has made a difference in my life. What you focus on is what you create. I didn’t want to...

Positivity in Business

It has been said that one of the most important personality characteristics of an entrepreneur is the understanding that failure is part of the game, and going to work anyway. Among some of the other commonly shared traits of successful businesspeople, labeled by...

Compassion in Business

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. — Dalai Lama When her son Daniel was 13 years old, Debra Poneman signed a consent form allowing himto attend an eighth-grade class trip to Washington, D.C. The plane...
Generosity Marketing

Generosity Marketing

John M. Sweeney is the founder of a social movement called Suspended Coffees. In his article, “Kindness Makes Good Business,” Sweeney describes himself as being, among other things, a kindness coach, saying that making others happy had always been his mission in...

Too Big to Fail

Has your heart been big in business and now you have a “big ask” for yourself? Whether you are launching a new product, expanding a business, looking for capital, or need some extra marketing muscle, perhaps it is time to go ahead and solicit support from those you...
Generous Support

Generous Support

Don’t we hope to turn our customers and those we lead into “raving fans,” as Berny calls them? Is it possible to go a step beyond and demonstrate our kindness by being vocal fans andcheerleaders of the people in our network in a way that lifts them up? Marci Shimoff,...