Uncategorized - Jill Lublin

Generous Networks

Have you heard of social capital? It’s all the rage. Finally, more and more people understand that it is not just who we know, but how well we know them that makes business viable. Social capital is all about networks, where transactions occur through trust,...

Generous Credit and Compliments

Giving credit where credit is due is an important aspect of being a great leader. Generously thanking, complimenting, or praising a staff member, vendor, or customer—even for the most mundane thing—shows people you take the time out of your schedule to notice them and...

Generosity of Time

I think the number-one thing people remember about other people is when they have beengiven more of their time than expected. We all know doctors who make us sit in the waiting roomfor far too long, but we keep going back because once we are in the examining room, she...
Generosity in Business

Generosity in Business

Could there be a more illustrious example of an entrepreneur so serious about making kindness the central mission of a company than Daniel Lubetzky, whose nutritious snack company, KIND Healthy Snacks, is known as the fastest-growing brand in the industry? The brand’s...

Flexibility and YOU!

“Gold is getting old,” writes Tim Ferriss, the mastermind behind the game-changing philosophy and best-selling book The 4-Hour Workweek. Ferriss became an international phenomenon when he began a movement dedicated to the interests of a group he has dubbed The New...

Where There’s Good Will, There’s a Way

The last thing we want is for people to have to choose between family and work, especially in an emergency situation. But not all of us are in the position to offer paid family leave to our employees; we can barely pay ourselves, if at all. But when flex time has been...