Get Noticed Get Referrals - Jill Lublin
Having Integrity

Having Integrity

“If you have integrity, you will get noticed,” T. Harv Eker believes. “So few people have integrity that if you have it, you will standout. Keep your word, be reliable, do what you said you would, over deliver.” Businesses that last are based on integrity. They always...


Get noticed by being professional please your clients and customers by learning what they want and always delivering it. People have many choices, they can give their business to many companies. So consistently provide what they want or they won’t continue to do...
Being completely present

Being completely present

Get noticed by being completely present. “Lots of people attend events, but are distracted and are not in the present moment,” Sandra Yancey finds. “As they talk to you, they scan the room for better opportunities. I call that ‘arriving,’ not being ‘present.’  “When I...
Distinguishing yourself

Distinguishing yourself

Get noticed, but attract the right kind of attention. Forget the myth that, “all publicity is good publicity.” Think instead of Howard K. Stern, Paris Hilton, or Brittany Spears. Perhaps in the past, just being noticed was enough; when people knew your name, for...

The new environment

I’m sure you’ve noticed how business has changed. We’ve left the era where companies could sit back, coast on their reputations, and let customers vie to do business with them. Now, everything has speeded up and is usually in flux. In business, change is...